Bioinformatics - Assignment #2 (Week 2)

Hello everyone, 

Below you will find some more information I was able to discover about my protein, alpha-amylase 1B.

Locus tag: NM_001008218

Size: 1838 bp

Accession number: NM_001008218

Version: NM_001008218.1

Comment: REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from CB958705.1, CB957894.1, CB958435.1, and AI627716.1.  

Comparing the information from NCBI and the information I used for the first assignment, the only discrepancy I can note is that NCBI gives the length in “base pairs” while the website protein atlas gives the length in “amino acids”.

Graphic summary of my BLAST run

                                                            My first two sets of primers


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