Bioinformatics - Assignment #1 (Week 1)


Anthony Luna

Today I finished the first assignment of the bioinformatics project focusing on proteins

My assigned protein is Q5T084 AMY1B, also known as alpha-amylase 1B polypeptide ( It is found in Homo sapiens and aids in the bodily function of digestion and absorption. Specifically, digestion and absorption of branched starch, amylopectin, and linear starch, amylose ( All of which takes place in the extracellular region of various cells. Moving onto the size, mass, and structure of alpha-amylase 1B. The protein alpha-amylase is folded into three distinct domains, A, B, and C. Yet, my primary focus is on domain B, which has a length of 105 amino acids, aa, and a mass of 12.4 kilo Daltons, kDa ( Alpha-amylase 1B is described as projecting off of domain A in a loop like fashion. However, when a calcium ion binds to domain B, it is then described as relatively rigid (Schutte). As for diseases involving alpha-amylase 1B, I’m still searching the literature to find out. I have not had any luck so far, although I did come across a study that noted how taking a patient’s salivary alpha-amylase measurement can be used to measure stress and anxiety. All in all, I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge of alpha-amylase 1B.  

References can be found in the comments below.


  1. AMY1B protein expression summary - The Human Protein Atlas. (n.d.). Proteinatlas.Org.

    Reactome | AMY1B(16-511) [extracellular region]. (n.d.). Reactome.Org.

    Schutte, S. (n.d.). Alpha_amylase. Virginia.Edu.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Anthony,

    Good job on gathering the information about your protein. There is a lot of information shown that could be presented in a more refined way.

    A list format might be easier to read the information.





    Information about

    Where it is found

    Good first assignment. Keep up the good work.


  4. Hi Anthony,

    I believe you will get more knowledge from these assignment. I think the website is an amazing resource that we should discover more and more. I hope you will do well in your assignments and expand your knowledge as you want. Keep working hard and find out something that make you interesting.


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